Friday, June 28, 2013


Soaring temperatures and school's out for the summer make a perfect combination for a water fight in the middle of the day. Five university students from the US volunteered twice a week for the month of June in Airdrie with Genesis Church. They spent a lot of their time playing games with the kids in the neighborhood near our home. Today was a wrap up party.

The afternoon began with a game of kickball, followed by a water fight and ended with a bbq at our neighbor Paul and Carol Holmes home.

The water fight though was the highlight of the afternoon. The kids had a ball. Here are some photos of the water fight.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Savannah and I drove out to Siksika Nation this morning to have a first hand look at the situation there following the flooding of the Bow River last Thursday.

A dear lady named Margaret Waterchief waited for us at the gas station just inside the reserve and was our guide and ambassador to get us to the volunteer center at the high school.

Once we were signed in and received our wrist bands Margaret brought us over to the Sportsplex, the disaster relief headquarters.

We heard that there were 1000 people out of their homes due to the flooding so we expected to see the arena full of cots and people. Savannah brought her guitar and a soccer ball. We were hoping to entertain the kids. What we found instead was astonishing. The arena was packed with donations of every kind. There was a ton of clothing, boxes of diapers piled high, toiletries, shoes and lots of other items. There were also hundreds, maybe a thousand unopened garbage bags full of clothes still needing to be unpacked. Donations were still coming in regularly when we were there. Volunteers were hard at work unloading and sorting the donations. Its heart warming to see the generosity of people coming to the aid of those in need.  

We did eventually find some of the 1000 victims of the flood who were out of their homes in the gym part of the Sportsplex and outside the Sportsplex in tents and a travel trailer. Many of the evacuees are staying with family and friends but there are a number at the Sportsplex.

We had the opportunity to talk with some of the families at the Sportsplex and hear their stories.

X told us about the police knocking on her door at 3am last Thursday telling her and her husband that they had 5 minutes to evacuate their home. She and her husband are now camping. They are forbidden from returning to their homes because of possible structural damage and because of contamination from their sewer backing up in their home. They have no belongings at all except for a tent, a mattress, blankets, pillows and a lawn chair. She can't wait to get back home. She's heard stories of looters coming up the river. Security has now been tightened around the reserve. She asked for prayer that the people would have hope and that they could return to their homes soon

Y was given a camper recently so that her, her husband and their many young children would have a better place to stay than in the tents. Y told us a similar story of their evacuation. She was given 5 minutes to leave her home. She and her husband scrambled to find their kid's shoes and teddys and whatever else they could grab before being escorted out of their home. The kids find the time long. Her eldest son says that he feels homeless. We left them a soccer ball and some cookies.

W is staying inside the Sportsplex with her many young children and her parents. She was exhausted with caring for her kids and the lack of privacy for the last 8 days. She had tears in her eyes when she was talking about her situation. Years ago, she had a fire at her home and she was out of her home for many years. Now this flood! And she's heard a report that her foundation was cracked and they may have to destroy the home. They told her that she would be there at least 2 more weeks. When asked what she would need she said dinosaurs for 2 of her children and a barbie for her youngest daughter. We had a bag of stuffies that we had brought with us and she was very appreciative when we told her to choose as many as she wanted. We prayed with her for courage to continue and hope and peace for her and her family and a quick return to her home or relocation to a new home.

Please pray for the people of Siksika that inspections and decisions on housing would be made quickly. Pray for peace. Pray for hope for these wonderful people.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

God's blessings.

We've had a lot of rain here lately and lightning and thunder. Our dog Molly jumps into the arms of the nearest person at the smallest sound of thunder even hundreds of miles away. No small feat for a 100 pound golden retriever. So be warned if you come to visit us in a rainstorm.

On Monday the thunder was so close and loud that the house shook (and so did Molly). 

For those of us that are slow learners and have short memories God has to sometimes speak to us like overhead thunder to get our attention.

The last few days God has been thundering : I LOVE YOU to my family. Here's some of what He's done lately
  • Unexpected gifts for Savannah's 16th birthday
  • Birthday gifts for Rebeccah even though her birthday was 2 months ago
  • Found my wallet untouched the day after I lost it at the rodeo.
  • A package at our doorstep with a $100US gift card, a book and a carry bag.
  •  A letter in the mail with a cheque for $100 and a note "Just a little surprise, love Mom. PS. Jesus has been so good to me."
  •  Savannah invited a friend for a backyard campfire. Only problem was we had no firewood. Not a problem for God! On our way home for the campfire I stopped at the local hardware store and asked if they had any free wood to give away. The yard guy pointed to a pallet right next to us that had foot long 2x10 pieces clean, dry and neatly stacked. "Here is some firewood. Help yourself." I filled the trunk and the backseat to the roof!
Thank you God for Your blessings but thank You even more for Your reminder that You love me and my family.

There is an old song that goes something like this

When upon life’s billows you are tempest-tossed,
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord has done. 

Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what God has done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your many blessings, see what God has done.

Whenever your feeling low take out a pencil and paper and write down all that God has done for you and it won't take long for you to also realize that God loves you and has a great plan for your life.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013


If were going to have a party anyhow we might as well invite the neighborhood. June 18th was Savannah's 16th birthday.

We surprised her by inviting the neighborhood kids, all of them! We sent out the word by kids mail and they came, like ants to a fallen ice cream cone. They pitched in to decorate our garage, with a cake, drinks, balloons and streamers. They signed a big card and waited for Savannah to show up. Most of them didn't know who Savannah was but that didn't deter them from getting in on the free cake and noise makers. I heard one girl wish Rebeccah happy birthday :)

Thanks to all who came and made the party a great success!!!

Monday, June 17, 2013


Calling all kids... Kids Camp is back again! July 23rd to the 26th from 9am to 11:30am at Fletcher Park in Airdrie. Do you like soccer? How about basketball? T-ball? Ok... Arts and Crafts? Something for every child from 4 years old to grade 6.

Pre-registration is required. Email Pastor Rob at to get a registration form or call him at 587-433-5989.

Volunteers are needed to help with coaching the sports, assisting the coaches, leading Arts and Crafts and assisting the leaders, registration, security and snacks. Contact Pastor Rob if interested.