Saturday, March 19, 2011

Another Youth Night at Mark and Anna's

Mark and Anna opened up their home again yesterday for youth night. Savannah and Rebeccah were joined by Brody and Jared and 2 other friends. It sounds like they had fun hitting each other with a cucumber and making animal sounds. I'm not sure what else they did but the girls said they had fun. Thanks again Mark and Anna for your heart to love and value the youth of Airdrie.

Rob and Leigh Commissioned as Nehemiah Church Planters

     We are currently in Tampa for 4 days to be commissioned as Nehemiah Church Planters with the North American Mission Board (NAMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention.
     Nehemiah is a program by NAMB to support and encourage couples who feel called by God to start new churches in North America associated with the Southern Baptist Convention and the Canadian National Baptist Convention.
    These four days have been spent learning about NAMB, networking with Nehemiah Church Planters and other NAMB missionaries and learning about what others in North America are doing in their church plants.
     We have met tons of awesome people with a heart to reach others with the gospel and see lives transformed. Its been very encouraging to see how God is at work.
      It has given me a much bigger vision for what the Lord may want to do in Airdrie through Genesis. The church planters here don't talk about planting one church. Most of them see themselves as church planting catalysts who will be planting multiple churches.