Friday, November 16, 2012

Girls in ARC

ARC stands for Airdrie Regional Campus. This is a satellite campus of Center Street in Calgary. Savannah and Rebeccah have been part of their youth group on and off for the last year. They are an amazing youth group led by Grover, that's right, not Cookie Monster or Oscar the Grouch but Grover. 

Ok not that grover but Grover Bradford. He and a handful of leaders and parents do a great job of leading the kids to do learn about Jesus, learn about themselves and to do service projects. 

      They have helped locally by collecting food door to door for the food bank and cleaning a yard. 

They have helped in Calgary by making sandwiches for the Mustard Seed. 

They have helped internationally by packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child, which is the reason for the pile of shoes blocking our doorway yesterday as we were blessed with their presence at our home filling shoeboxes.

Keep up the great work ARC youth! Thank you for caring.

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