Thursday, July 12, 2012


Deanna, Christina, Danielle,  Hanna and Brianne made a great impression on the folks of Airdrie in just 4 days. They came to help in whatever way was needed and they sure did.

DAY 1 - They helped with Jim and Heather's landscaping and played with Gracy and Summer.  The afternoon was spent playing with the neighbors children in the park.

DAY 2 - Savannah, Rebeccah and I joined them to paint Korey's fences. His cat helped out as well by rubbing up against the painted fences from time to time. The next time I saw his cat he had a Lion cut all the paint was gone! The afternoon they enjoyed playing with the neighbor's kids again.

DAY 3 - Time to switch gears again. This time volunteering along with my girls and I to serve lunch to the folks at Propak to celebrate a safety milestone. Josh from Smittys was hired to cater the meal and the 8 of us were there to lend a hand. Queen Savannah made a guest appearance and spent some time visiting with Lionel, the man who is supplying Hank for her to ride in the rodeos and parades.

Thank you girls for all your hard work. You rock!!

DAY 4 - What can I get them to do today? John Miller of Young Life asked if they could help Matt and his family to move out of their home and the girls were up to to it!! Matt was done one day ahead of schedule because of all the extra help that he received. His family was very thankful for the help they received. Josh treated all of us and my family to a free meal at Smittys afterwards to thank us for helping at Propak. What a great way to end our time together. Hope to see you girls again before the summer is over.

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